About Me
Abdul Aziz bin Ismail (AAI) is a former Deputy Director General of MyIPO. He graduated with a law degree in LLB (Hons) from the University Technology MARA (UiTM).
AAI started off his career as an Enforcement Officer involved in investigations relating to Intellectual Property (IP) and consumer protection. He later became a Prosecutor for the Government of Malaysia in prosecuting consumer protection related and IP cases in the Magistrate/Session courts. From then on, he served as an Assistant Registrar of IP Division of the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs where he was responsible in the administration and prosecution of registration system of trademarks and other IP branches in the IP Division.
After the incorporation of Intellectual Property Corporation Malaysia (“MyIPO”) in 2003, he was appointed as the Head of MyIPO Trade Marks Division and later elevated to Senior Director of the said Department in which he was in charge of the operation of the trademarks registration system in Malaysia. In 2014, AAI was promoted to the post of Deputy Director General of MyIPO’s Industrial Property Division. His responsibility is to supervise all aspects of the Industrial Property operations in overall three (3) Divisions in Trade Marks and Geographical Indications, Patents and Industrial Designs.
He has experiences in acting as one of the negotiators for IP Chapter in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), Bilateral or Multilateral Agreements between Malaysia and many other countries whom Malaysia is a party to the Treaty. He also sat on several Intellectual Property committees relating the establishment of the Malaysian IP Courts in 2007, the ASEAN Working Group Committee in IP Cooperation (AWGIPC), the Malaysian Franchise Development Committee, the Ministry of Health (MOH) Infant Formula Rules and many others. He chaired the ASEAN Trade Mark Task Force and also attended many high-level meetings/negotiations at national and international caucus relating to intellectual property such as WIPO, WTO, USPTO, EUIPO, EPO, JPO, UKIPO, IP Australia and few others including the ASEAN fora.
He often gave talks and presented papers to domestic and international meetings/conferences relating to IP. While in service, he chaired the proposed amendments to the Trademarks and Patents legislations and all other IP related legislations under the jurisdictions of MyIPO. Prior to his retirement, he was entrusted to lead latest SPHI MyIPO’s IT system that replaces the old IT system of MyIPO.
Now, AAI heads the ISW Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd as Chief Executive Officer and oversea the prosecution and management of the company’s Intellectual Property services in Patent, Trademark & Industrial Design in both the domestic and international markets.